Registration Instructions

If it is your first time using our Provider Registration website, please read the following instructions carefully. This registration site is currently open to providers of the following services:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Clinical Counselling
    (Only FNHA Mental Health
    providers may apply at
    this time)
  • Massage Therapy
  • Multiple Health Clinic
  • Naturopath
  • Ophthalmology
  • Optical Store
  • Optometry
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Psychology *
    (Only Registered Psychologists
    may apply.)
  • Social Work or Clinical Social Work
    (Only FNHA Mental Health
    providers may apply at this time)
If your provider type is not listed here, then at this time you are not eligible to sign up for PROVIDERnet.

This registration process will take a few minutes to register each practitioner. You MUST have the following information:

  • Provider location information (business license number is required for optical stores)
  • Practitioner information (including registration number)
  • Corporate contact (can also be the practitioner)
Please refer to the PROVIDERnet FAQs and Quick Start Guide that can help you with questions you may have about registration.

If you provide mental health services (Certified Clinical Counsellor, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Registered Psychologist, Registered Social Worker or Registered Clinical Social Worker) and wish to provide services to First Nations Health Authority clients, please refer to the FNHA Website and contact FNHA directly to also be approved by FNHA. Continue to complete this application to register with PBC.

Steps to register for an account:

Step 1

Enter provider information

  • Category and operating name
  • Office location
  • Contact information

Step 2

Enter practitioner(s)

  • Name and email
  • Registration number
  • Effective date

Step 2
(Optical Stores)

Enter Business License

Step 3

Enter corporate contact information

  • Name and title
  • Email address & phone
  • Can also be practitioner

Step 4

Review the information you have entered and submit

Step 5

Receive confirmation

What happens next?

It may take up to 10 days to process your application. Once approved, you will receive activation information by email.

The Person authorized may be the office manager, front office staff, or another person completing the application on behalf of the provider.
Pacific Blue Cross will send the application status to this email address.

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